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The Cell© Jake WilsonPublished on July 2008Come in and take a seat, at long last we get to meet.I know that you are here for committing a crime, so let's you and me do some time.I've got some things I'd like to say, I will see you change from day to day.The thoughts you will have, the things you will feel, I will be here for your every meal.You will feel some sadness and you will feel alone at night, you will say "I wish that I were home," make the best of the time you've got, and let's hope that it's not a lot.One day we will part, yes, you and me, that is the day they set you free.I'm sure you want to know my name, it hasn't changed, it's still the same. We are both together in this man made hell.Glad to meet you, I'm your prison cell.Source:
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Moments of Happiness

My son got to go outside yesterday for the first time in about 6 months.  He was so happy.  He described the smells of wood smoke from a nearby house and how they shot hoops in the yard.

He also got a job as the mod worker.  He's been trying for the last few months to get a job and was finally selected.  He was really stoked about it and stayed up til past midnight cleaning the mod... LOL

He also got a letter from one of the mom's here that writes to him.  And he was super happy about that!

And hearing all of these things made my heart glow for him <3 :) <3

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Suicide watch & shackles

I showed up for a court date for my son this afternoon. The deputy came out to tell my son's attorney that my son would be a ew minutes because he is on S3 suicide watch. I never got a call. His probation officer never got a call. How is that possible??? His PO is furious & im sure will let someone have an earful but that doesn't change the fact that nobody was notified. He's only 15 so I just don't get it.I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing my baby in shackles. It rips my heart out every time. I try so hard to be strong for my son but the tears just come and everytime that heavy door slams behind him & they've taken him again I feel like a huge part of my heart dies. This is torture. Does it ever get better?? Is there ever a sense of numbness to it or will it always rip me apart?
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Hello and thank you

Hello everyone and thank you for allowing me to join this community. My son is younger than most I've read about so I hope it is okay that I'm here.My son is 15. He has schizoaffective disorder & previously diagnosed with highly functional Aspergers & ADHD.My son has had behavior issues his entire life. I would get calls from school or daycare since age 3. As a toddler he would use his soiled diapers to fingerpaint his room. The older he got the worse his defiant behavior became in school. He would talk back or refuse to remove a hat & was kicked out of middle school a dozen times for leaning back in a chair. Any one incident would barely warrant a detention but added together he was expelled from the 8th grade.I'm a single Mom of 3 so I have to work so I home schooled my son in the evening everyday so he could complete the 8th grade. We also had a teacher meet him at the library 1-2 times per week which helped a lot. We met all of the requirements to re-enroll for 9th grade & did. Within 6 weeks he was expelled again. The first time he was arrested was 9 months ago. He met up with 2 other teen boys & they broke into cars & stole & damaged property at some condo's nearby. Before he went to court for the first arrest he was arrested a second time while spending the weekend at his Dad's house. He stole a hammer from a truck parked on the road near his aunt's house. His aunt ( my bi-polar sister) lives near his Dad. His Aunt lied for him & said my son was staying with her & I didn't find out until the police came to my door 3 days later.Each time he was arrested the police left him at home & nothing changed. We would go to court & I would get charged astronomical fees & restitution. He would get a few hours of community service & his life wouldn't change. Because he is expelled he goes to an on-line school that has an on-sight classroom too so I dropped him off on my way to work & within an hour he lies to his teachers about why he needs to leave & hops on a bus. He went 4 months without being arrested or brought back home in the middle of the night by the police for sneaking out again. I thought maybe things were changing. Then one day he decided to run away & hop on a bus to a town 30 minute from our house to meet up with one of the boys he got arrested with his first time (probation violation). On the way there he snorted several his ADHD tabs & sold some. Then later that night after police had been looking for him for hours the boys stole a car & damaged it. He was arrested & charged & left home the same as the 2 other times. Now my son is thinking nothing will ever happen. We went to court a few weeks ago for the pre-trial & his lawyer & probation officer said the judge he was going to see was too harsh so the deemed my son unfit for trial & rescheduled the date. My son then figured nothing could happen so he started stealing more. $130 from his sister, $200 from me, multiple prescriptions, wine hidden in my closet, the list goes on. He started having valuable items show up in his room that he said came from a dumpster. He continues to smoke (probation violation) & a few weeks ago burned a large portion of their fence by throwing a lit ciagrette into their brush. Now I have to pay hundreds of $ to replace that. 3 days ago he was placed in detention for up to a year for probation violations. We still have to go back to court for the stolen car etc. which is a 5 year felony. My frustration is.. had the police or judge put him in detention for a shorter time after his first arrest maybe the rest could have been prevented. Now he'll be transported from detention to court for something that happened 5 months ago now. In Michigan minors stay at home after theyre arrested for non-violent crimes. He has a therapist & a psychiatrist. I've drained every dime & maced credit cards paying fines & restitution assigned to me because of his crimes. In spite of any of it I love my boy. I muss him so much. He's been locked up for 2 days & it feels like months. His last therapist said "he has all the characteristics of a serial criminal. He will be in & out of jail his entire life so face it". She was fired & replaced. I cannot accept that. I have 2 other children (ages 14 & 20) who have never been in trouble. They're good students, good athletes, & society would deem them great people. I don't know how i'll make it without my boy. It was constant anxiety living with him because every day he violated his probation but living without him is heartbreak.As I said, I know he's younger than most here. I just needed somewhere to turn. Somewhere that didn't stick their nose up at me or look at me with deep sympathy when they find out who my son is. He's my baby & I just want to hold him.
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Hi everyone

My name is Chrissy. My son is serving a 35 yr sentence in Oklahoma. I am so glad to have found this group. You ladies understand that heartbreak that can't be described. My son could use a pen pal if anyone is interested.
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Hi everyone

My name is Chrissy. My son is serving a 35 yr sentence in Oklahoma. I am so glad to have found this group. You ladies understand that heartbreak that can't be described. My son could use a pen pal if anyone is interested.
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Thank You

I want to take the time to thank you all for having a group like this, I felt so alone and desperate to find hope. My beautiful son is Josef Isaiah Aaron Cannon he is waiting trial for armed robbery of a gas station. When I first heard about this I could not imagine the baby I held in my arms over 25 years ago committing such a crime. I have worked day and night two jobs to raise the money for an attorney, God is good to me. I know God is good but I seem to cry all the time, now I am on medication I need relief. Thank you mom's for sharing your stories it has helped me move through the day.I am having some troubles navigating through this site, I want to send cards as well. Can someone help me with this.
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Pray for my son's health

He finally saw the Dr. yesterday after requesting 4 times in the last three weeks because of some physical symptoms he was having.

 I found out last night that he more than likely has a life-threatening disease.  All the doctor at the prison said was, " He will do some tests but you are in a state facility so don't expect to be cured".

 My son is a first offender, non-violent and he is not an animal.

Why are the inmates treated like this?  They are humans and each one is important to someone.

This makes me so angry!!

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Getting medical attention?

Hi, everyone. My son has a rash that is spreading. Months after it started, they changed his laundry detergent and soap. It didn't work. Now, another month later, it has spread over his entire body except his face and head. He says it's bumps that he can pop clear puss out of. And they burn. Sounds nothing like hives and he's the only one with it. Anyway, what can I do to have him seen by a doctor? Is there anything I can do? The nurse just isn't proactive and does not seem to care. He is in county jail. Although he is there for a felony, the prison is full. Has anyone else had this happen? What can I do????
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"Your brother is not okay"

A man was attacked and killed by 11 other inmates in the same jail where Ryan was held for two years while awaiting trial. 

Check out this news story... I hope the family of this man files a wrongful death suit against the sheriff, the jail, jail personnel, the D.A., and anyone else they can think of to sue. They should sue the Governor of Louisiana, too, just for shits and giggles since his brother is the Sheriff responsible for this jail. I hate the prison system here! The dog that guards the yard is treated better than the inmates!

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Appeals, Writs, and Supplements

I am happy to say that I am almost ready to graduate from college. It's been a long road, and, God willing, I will graduate in May with a double major in Paralegal Studies and Humanities. From then... on to law school because I have to be the best damn criminal defense attorney EVER if I am going to get my boy back! knowledge is the only weapon I have to wield effectively if I am ever to get anywhere.

Sadly, the attorneys here are shit. I hate to say it, but ineffective counsel is a serious problem. Ryan's dad paid ten grand to file the first appeal, and when I saw the document, I was PISSED. There's just no other way to put it. It was so sloppy I couldn't believe that 1) it left the attorney's office that way, and 2) that the appellate court accepted such a substandard document. It was full of typos, stylistical errors, and you could plainly see where the attorney cut and pasted because fonts were difference styles and sizes. Not to mention it was a skinny argument submitted and it is now painfully obvious the attorney did not spend enough time researching all the materials to flesh out a good, convincing argument. Of course, the court denied our appeal.

When it was time to move on to the LA Supreme Court, I was adamant about going over the document before it was submitted, but the attorney submitted it without letting me see it first and told me after the fact. The first time, the excuse for a shitty document was that 21 JDC didn't send them all the trial transcripts in a timely manner. Okay. I bought it. I know 21 JDC is full of incompetent people that get paid $9 an hour to either make my life miserable or just plain ruin it. I let it go. But then when I saw the LA Supreme Court writ was full of the same..  I am a paralegal now... I told the attorney that I didn't know anything about legal appeals because I just graduated, but I can write. Ryan signed a waiver to give me access to his file... and I am SO glad he did!

Y'all... not until tonight did I realize that while I don't have experience with legal appeals, I DO have LOTS of experience with appeals in general. When I worked for FEMA, that's all I did...  provide clients with advice- but we couldn't call it advice; we called it "technical support of programs and assistance clients MAY be eligible for." Same difference - semantics! Today, as I burn the midnight oil and work my ass off to fix the attorney's fuck-ups, I realized that while I don't have any experience with legal appeals, an appeal is an appeal and the critical thinking involved in building a compelling and convincing argument is the same. The only differences between a federal appeal for assistance and an appeal to an appellate court are the rules and the law- of which I am in the process of learning.

While the attorney is 99% sure that this appeal will also be denied and it is just the means to end - jump through all the hoops to get to the post-conviction stage...  what if God decides to move on that 1% and we get a new trial? And regardless, we need an accurate record because once we appeal to the federal courts, they will be referring back to previous documents. 

Ladies, I am here to encourage you to read your loved one's legal documents! Make sure they read them also! Don't presume that just because you are dealing with an attorney and he or she is a legal professional that they know what they are doing. Don't presume they know how to write and that the document they are submitting - which hangs in the balance of your loved one's life and freedom - is correct. SPEAK UP! don't be afraid to make corrections or add or subtract to bolster and strengthen arguments. Little words, such as full, completely, if, before, after... can make a HUGE difference. So can punctuation. 

Here's an example taken from MIRANDA - as in "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney, and if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you..." 

This in an excerpt from the actual opinion by the US Supreme Court:

"No effective waiver [of an suspect's] right to counsel during the interrogation can be recognized UNLESS specifically made AFTER warnings as to rights have been made."

The words in capital letters are prime examples of those little words that make a HUGE difference in whether some evidence will be admitted or whether your loved one's rights were violated by police officers.

While I am not an attorney and cannot offer any legal advice, I AM a paralegal, and a damned good one! I am happy to share my knowledge and point you to resources so that you can go to to sharpen your skills in recognizing some of these things. Remember, courts deal in FACTS supported by EVIDENCE. And there are different kinds of evidence, so any argument you're making to support your point of view has to be accompanied by the law and whatever evidence you're offering to support your argument. Make sure that evidence is complete (don't attach one page of a document, send it ALL).You can't leave anything to guesswork; don't assume that because you know everything that happened with your loved one's case and you're familiar with it that judges are going to get what your attorney means if it isn't spelled out. Spell it out! don't allow judges to fill in the gaps. Documents, in my opinion, should tell them exactly what action it is you want them to take, even when it seems obvious,so make sure when attorneys submit documents, it's clear what you're after. Also, nobody wants to read a long, boring legal documents full of legalese and terms you don't understand. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, stupid.

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Autism Testing

Has an autism diagnosis figured into anyone's situation? I've suspected my son is on the spectrum and asked his lawyer to see about having him tested. After months of waiting for a judge's approval and then getting on a psychiatrist's calendar, I was told that the psychiatrist decided "since none of my son's previous doctors, counsellors, etc. had written anything in their notes about suspecting autism, then there was no reason to test him. Besides it probably wouldn't make a difference in the outcome of his case." Really??
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Hi all, I am new to this group. Are there any out there whose son is a Veteran? My son is an Iraq Veteran, suffers from PTSD, Bipolar disorder and is serving life without parole. Just looking to connect with others like me in similar situations and also hoping to share my story in hopes of helping all mothers whose lost their sons to the system that is inadequately equipped to help them other than to keep them drugged up and locked away.
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Prayer for the Lowly

. Jehovah God, I call to you and ask you:“Hear my prayer.”My wounds are deep and slow to heal;my load is hard to bear.Despondent thoughts and disappointed hopeshave left me weak.O God of comfort, care for me;your favor I do seek.(CHORUS)Do raise me up; help me endure.When I’m in doubt, make my hope sure.From deep despair, I turn to you.Jehovah God, my strength renew.2. Your Word has been my comfort anda refuge when I’m weak,Expressing feelings dear to mein words I cannot speak.Please build in me the faith and trustthat your Word does impart.And help me always know your loveis greater than my heart.(CHORUS)Do raise me up; help me endure.When I’m in doubt, make my hope sure.From deep despair, I turn to you.Jehovah God, my strength renew.(See also Ps. 42:6; 119:28; Rom. 8:26; 2 Cor. 4:16; 1 John 3:20.)
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Broken Mama

I am so broken. My son has mental health issues and has been in and out of institutions for 8 years. He was doing so well. .Hewas out for 5 months, working and got off parole. . He was just charged with several robberies and was there when his girlfriend stabbed someone. I can't take this:( He called me crying and can't remember what happened. He is bi-polar, borderline schizophrenic and has PTSD. He turns 19 tomorrow. Please prayer for our family. His name is Eli. Thank you.
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GREAT NEWS! I found Coco!!!

3321864608?profile=originalI am so happy to share that Coco has come home! A neighbor found her and returned her to me today. I am so happy to have my little old lady back! I've cried for three solid days and prayed and prayed that she would be safe and come home. And God heard all my prayers and those of you who were praying for her safe return! What a little bit of joy amidst missing my son as I do!  This is definitely a sliver lining! Yay! I will sleep easier tonight with my Coco at my feet!

Thank you to all the ladies that prayed for me and my Coco! <3


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Day 3, and still no Coco.

It's day 3 and we still haven't found Coco. I am beside myself with frustration because I have so many school obligations I can't take the time to properly go and look for her and put out signs until tomorrow. I've cried for three solid days now...  I know it isn't good for me to keep up all this crying, but I've had Coco for so long. She's family. She's not even a real dog, y'all. She's a PERSON in a little chihuahua body. I've missed a school assignment and am walking around like an idiot, but I just don't know what to do without her sweet self waiting for me and seeing her little waggedy tail when I walk her. She puts her tail high up in the air and whole but shakes whens he wags her tail and she breaks out into her little toothless, old lady smile. I am SICK without her.

We told Ryan Coco was lost, and he did't help matters any by reminding me that she's old. Then he said she may have gone into to the woods to die alone. It didn't help when my husband echoed his sentiments without knowing that's what Ryan had said. I can't imagine Coco wanting to die alone. She knows how much I loved her and I promised her I wouldn't let her die alone. I always imagined that I would have to put her down from old age and she would die in my loving arms. Losing her this way hurts so much. I don't know which is worse. But I know I would NEVER have let her die alone. Ever, no matter how hard it was for me. Coco was always loving, affectionate and faithful. She loved me and could stand me when I didn't love myself or could even tolerate myself.She's always been such a good friend and companion to me that I owed to her to see her through her old age and I would have NEVER let her die alone.  I owed her that, no matter how hard it was on me. I love her that much.

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