Seeing things from the outside

I was at McDonalds a couple weeks ago having breakfast. I over heard a VERY interesting conversation that had a HUGE impact on me.

There were a couple older people that were discussing either a friends son or someone they had in there family that was having difficulties. I gather it was with the law.

I gotta tell you....hearing the pain, the anger, the frustration in there voices...I STARTED TO CRY!! I finally saw what my family felt. The pain...the anger....wanting so much for me...

Walking out, I stoped by there table and thanked them. I told them how much seeing things from the outside, and a non biased point of view opened my eyes.

I don't think it was that I was not understanding the pain that I caused my family. I wasn't able to see because I was too close

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  • perhaps we should say instead of what could have been, we should say what can Be

  • It has changed my life and my son's forever. I mourned the death of many dreams, and the fear for his safety was never ending. It was torture and a piece of me had died. On a positive note, I became a true, true believer the Lord does hear our pleas and our prayers...Miracles do happen when we surrender. I wouldn't wish the past on an enemy. No exaggeration, I didn't live life....I was imprisoned even tho I am a free woman. His dad suffered too.
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