Long Term Parole Planning in PA Information Needed

I just signed up for this site a couple of days ago. Finally decided to try to start crawling out of my hole. My son has been in prison for 4 years this March. His charge is Murder 3, sentenced 12-24 years. He took a plea due to many small charges against him during a police chase for spinning his tires then running. He hit another vehicle at a high rate of speed while running, ran a red light. They called this intent. The other driver died. She was a mother of 9, so it was a big story. Her family has been very forgiving of my son. His behavior was not good while in county, but once he was sentenced and went to his permanent state location he has had great behavior. He has been moved up twice to sections with more privileges. I say all this in I want to do everything we can to try and get him out at his minimum sentence. I have heard that it is better to have a job within the prison and to educate yourself. He tried working and it put him in the position of others wanting favors which he would get in trouble for giving by those in charge and if he didn't give in to what the prisoners wanted they were angered. Just not a good position to be in, so he left that job. I am not sure he will try another job and I understand the reluctance from what he has told me. I do not know what education resources are available or how to find out about them. As far as college, I really wouldn't have the money to do that for him at this point. But, if this is what we need to do I would like to start planning now. He is 25 so I don't know if there is any grants available to prisoners. If college is offered in prison, does anyone know how to check into this? From what I understood when he first went in his security level was too high due to his charge. I honestly have no depth in my knowledge of how all this works. I try to get information out of him. I believe he has aspergers, was diagnosed with ADHD & ODD, but was told they would probably figure out what the real issue is once he was older. I was blocked by my ex., long story, from continuing treatment and finding a true diagnosis when he was old enough. My point in saying this is that he is very smart, but hard to communicate with about some things. Any information is greatly appreciated.I posted this in discussions first, but then thought I should have posted here???
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  • I am from Michigan and they have actual guidelines for parole. Check on the guidelines in his state and work towards them. Good luck! Knowledge is power!
  • Thank you Ramona. My son is in Pennsylvania and I am in Alabama. He was visiting someone at the time of his accident/crime, so we know nothing about Pennsylvania. Working on it though:)
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