I have questions

My son has been draining his family for money for so called protection? I don't have any more to give him and have told him I would only put money on his books. His grandmother has been sending money orders to unknown people on the outside and endless money grams to unknown people on the outside. He is on restrictions for drugs and I believe that is what the money is for. I love him and refuse to help him kill himself with drugs. He's found a way to call and is asking for more money. I am tired and drained with worry. I don't know how to explain to his grandparents that this is not right? It's hard when you doubt your son but I have asked him in person on visits if it was due to his crime that he needs protection and he says no. I have known he has a drug problem. Do any of you have any advice. Thanks for letting me vent. Amy
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  • Thankyou Mary and Carol. Had a good discussion with my son's grandparents today, making them some positive head way. God bless all our son's fighting addiction. One day at a time. Some times one minute. So very grateful for all of you!! Amy
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