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  • My son has been charged with a crime he did not commit. There is no evidence, there is a witness that says he did not do it, our private lawyer and his PD can not believe he is even being charged. His bail is 200,000 which we do not have. They said a right to a speedy trial is 175 days he will be at 270 days at his current trial date. That say the prosecutor is just trying to make a name for herself and there is no way she can win. My son is facing life in prison so they say the jury will not convict him with no evidence only word of mouth of one non eye witness. But that is a very high risk to take. Meanwhile he has been beat up in jail and had all his stuff stolen. He asked to be removed from the general population but the guards harassed him. He got a prison tattoo just so he could be placed in solitary confinement and feel safe. But they will not let him call me while he is there or have his books. It is next to impossible to talk to the PD and I just home know what direction he is taking the case. Or if he even cares. It is all destroying me. Even if I seek physiatric help it will not change the fact that my son is facing life in prison for a crime he did not commit.
  • Lee I felt the same and thought and planned suicide very minute. I finally sought medical help. The psychiatrist recommended hospitalization. Instead I received intense outpatient and meds for depression and sleep. I've been on the med for about 10 weeks and much better. Please seek help. Don't continue to suffer. We are here for you. Praying for you.
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