My son Joshua is incarcerated at the Gus Harrison Facility in Adrian, MI where there are 2 seperate populations. Those suffering from various types of mental illness and those without. The population of those without are allowed to drink their morning or afternoon coffee freely while those who suffer from a mental illness cannot have one single sip of coffee. It is such a blanket one size fits all policy from the administration of the residential treatment team stating coffee is harmful and cannot be consumed by those with a mental illness. This is (excuse my saying) horse shit. I was diagnosed in the 1990's with bi-polar depression, I am on medication and I drink coffee every single day of my life without any adverse effects.
My son, and the other inmates have tried unsuccessfully to have their coffee rights reinstated. I have personally written to the residential treatment team protesting this one size fits all mentality only to receive back from them that they have the right to choose what is harmful to those entrusted in their care. If you believe that those in the residential treatment program at Gus Harrison should be allowed to have coffee (whether it's a limited or unlimited amount) please voice your opinion by signing my petition at:
The inmates will appreciate your support. Thank you all.
Thank you Lisa!
Hi Mary - I think that's because you did sign it already for me. Thank you for that. You've also given me some helpful tips for furthering this petition. :) Hugs.