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  • One point that was made over and over in my social work classes was that people are people first. A person is not "a gay," "a schizophrenic," or "a Caucasian;" if he or she has all of this characteristics, then this individual would be a person who is gay, has schizophrenia, and is of Caucasian descent.

    Our sons and daughters here are not criminals. They are people who have been accused and/or convicted of criminal activity.

    Which, let's face it, has been committed by virtually every citizen.

    Your son is not a criminal. He is a beloved son and father who is currently serving time.

    I'm not justifying criminal behavior--I'm just saying let's call a spade a spade.
  • Thank You.! I look at him in this picture with his daughter and I wonder how he went from this to ending up in prison..I know the answer but its just so hard to see my son as a criminal...:( im sure all us moms feel the same...
  • What a sweet expression, Maria.
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