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The Definition of Insanity


"I read half of it in one day! I couldn't put it down...well written. Thank you Rhonda for all you have done for us here on M.I.S.S."  Mary

"Just finished reading Rhonda's book. Hope u all can do the same. Bless Rhonda for creating M.I.S.S. This site has done so MUCH! " Kathi

"Thank you so much for writing this book. I got so much out of it. You are a strong, brave woman!"  Joanne

"Heart wrenching to say the least and quite inspiring. Thank you for your bravery in sharing your story."  Kathy

"Is a must read. I almost felt like she wrote about my own life and she absolutely touch on everything I have been feeling since this nightmare began. I would like to thank you Ms. Robinson for helping me realize that my feelings are normal and that I am not the only one has had these feelings!!"  Tracey

"It is one of the most inspiring books and one of the most amazingly written books I have ever read, on this subject! It has given me a lot of clarity and also a lot of answers to questions that I had not known before, especially being new to this whole situation. So heartfelt and so real."

"Rhonda's book The Definition of Insanity helped my heart so much. Worth every penny. There is a section towards the end about emotions particular to us moms. Priceless. It really helped me process some of this that no one around me will ever really understand. Thank you, Rhonda, for your book. I cried through every page and it saved my soul and my life. Like a buoy so not to submerge. I recommend it."  Patty

"I have to give a shout out to Rhonda Robinson and her book. I purchased it to read while I was in Texas visiting my son. There is a lot of time sitting around and waiting in your car before you are called for your visit. I love books! So much, that I have about 500. Unfortunately, I buy them, start them and never finish them. Life gets in the way. But not with this one. I couldn't put it down. I couldn't wait to see what she was going to do next. It is very well written. I haven't finished it, but I will this week. And when I do, I will definitely be reviewing it on Amazon. It is a must read!!"  Donna


Below is a brief commentary for your entry in the 27th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Award. Our judges are asked to write a short commentary of each entry they read. Some judges use their commentary as an opportunity to critique, others to review; some combine the two. A judges’ response is unique to their individual perspective.

Entry Title: The Definition of Insanity - Coping with a child's mental Illness

Author: Rhonda Robinson

Judge Number: 36 

Entry Category: Life Stories

*Writer's Digest Judge’s Commentary*:

"Rhonda Robinson has done a fabulous job of writing a memoir that tells of an early abusive marriage and her heroic efforts to raise her children from that first husband. My heart went out to the most abused of her children by that husband, Roy, Kyle.

This is a gripping narrative that held my rapt attention. I quickly sympathized with the young narrator, for she has a good heart, and I was touched by her sincerity and impetuous nature. It is a little painful to witness her willingness to believe Roy’s promises. I liked that she grows both in wisdom and patience while increasing her education.

However, I felt distressed by the damage that has been caused to Kyle over the years, as is apparent by his underlying health issues, such as experiencing emotional imbalances and diabetes. I felt Robinson to be the very definition of love and patience, yet the title of her memoir suggests the vast toll demanded by living with and “putting out fires for Kyle” as well as having to endure his bouts in prison. Worse, as his adult issues become clear, I felt grief over the way the narrator has to come to terms with Kyle’s bad choices in the kind of people he chooses to have in his life and the decisions he, and they, make.

Robinson seems to know, as she narrates, that her own life story could be a kind of salvation for others who may be living through circumstances such as she has endured. The admirable addendum titled “Emotions Parents of Incarcerated Children Endure and How to Overcome Them” is testimony to her steady realization of the power of her voice and narrative."

● Books are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning “needs improvement” and 5 meaning “outstanding”.

This Book's Evaluation below:

Structure, Organization, and Pacing: 5

Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: 4

Production Quality and Cover Design: 5

Plot and Story Appeal: 5

Character Appeal and Development: 5

Voice and Writing Style: 5


Displaying 1 of 1 review
2 reviews1 follower
November 21, 2020
As I, and so many others, travel a similar path as Ms. Robinson, this book is truly a Godsend that shows us we are not alone in the every-minute-of-everyday heartbreak. The rollercoaster of deep emotion can be debilitating at times. The uncertainty of your grown child's future and their ability to survive this ordeal is an ever-present feeling of fear. If you allow your mind to go to the dark places, the fear can easily turn to terror. The adrenaline rush every time the phone rings, wondering what life-altering news awaits you on the other end. The sinking, sick feeling when you hear about another prison riot or when your knees buckle in the grocery store parking lot as you hear the words,, "He tested positive for COVID-19." It's neverending. Thank you, Rhonda, for your bravery and honesty in sharing your story. This book is one that will stay with me forever; a life preserver to keep my head above water.